Thursday, May 21, 2009

Congratulations! Your Normal

I used to want to be on TV now I want to be on YouTube!Don't get me wrong their are a few bright spots ( Ugly Betty, House, and Divorce Court). I just don 't care anymore about turning on the tube at all. Between Hulu and YouTube,the DTV revolution has already occured. I have a feeling that when they finally ( if ever) switch the signal off. There will be mass layoffs like the car companies. There is no need for 2 hours of news during rush hour! Serousily, wise up broadcasters the only reason to get on TV is to get what I am deeming the "I'm Really Normal Award." Tyra Banks was a SUPER Model now houswives and preganant teens can sit back and watch her cut a fool , while she talks about relationship woes with toothless meth addicts. Why couldn't she get real meth addicts like Jamie King or Kate Moss the morning after a White Stripes Concert. A million dollar model with no makeup,coffee stained teeth,and under eye carry-ons. That's my anti- drug! They would be chain smoking and conference call Amy Winehouse and LiLo. I mean good grief TyTy you are a cover model, who cares if you can relate to these drecks of the panhandles. You were put on this earth to make us know that there are certain things we can't get paid for. One of them being, the ability to look like a lethargic alien. Just ask the second place queen on American Idol, its better not to win it.

Black Gay Pride???

I went to my first Pride celebration when I was 15 yrs old. I told my mom I was going to the movies, instead, I hopped on the train ,and went right to Banneker Field. I didn't know what I was going to see. I only remember a man with white spandex on and what looked like a small animal warmly nestled in his crotch, how sweet?I felt shorter than everyone I saw, even my friends. I didn't feel out of place. One other thing I remember was a collection water jug being filled with donations for an organization. Everyone seemed to graciously give what they had. It occured to me then, how important it was to have a community, or at least people that had your back. I don't feel that anyone has my back now. Pride has a negative connotation for me now. I don't understand how I can be from DC, know the President of the organization, lend my services to help, and still not know anything about Pride events before hand. I don't have to talk to family to know what is going on. I hear more random goings on than any person that I know. I have not heard one thing about black pride. I know its out there somewhere. DO you care? Let it be known